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⋙ [PDF] Don't Sweat the Small Stuff And It All Small Stuff Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life Richard Carlson 9780733800849 Books

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff And It All Small Stuff Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life Richard Carlson 9780733800849 Books

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Download PDF Don't Sweat the Small Stuff And It All Small Stuff  Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life Richard Carlson 9780733800849 Books

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff And It All Small Stuff Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life Richard Carlson 9780733800849 Books

But it's the little details that always kill you. So I don't know.

Read Don't Sweat the Small Stuff And It All Small Stuff  Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life Richard Carlson 9780733800849 Books

Tags : Don't Sweat the Small Stuff: And It's All Small Stuff - Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life [Richard Carlson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Condition: Small blue marking on edges, some mold spotting\n\nThis groundbreaking inspirational guide--a classic in the self-help genre--shows you how to put challenges in perspective,Richard Carlson,Don't Sweat the Small Stuff: And It's All Small Stuff - Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life,Bantam,073380084X

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff And It All Small Stuff Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life Richard Carlson 9780733800849 Books Reviews

i think the book has some good stuffs, it kept me wanting to read more and also help me to relieve my stress (i am definitely someone who stress out on all the small stuffs). However, i feel that the author repeats many points constantly, which is ok if he wants to emphasize the importance of it, but it would better is if he just put them in the same chapter. Near the end of the book, I felt like many points are the same from the beginning of the book and I was just re-reading the same chapter
It has been years since I came across this little book. I was at a point in my life that I needed something desperately. I had been a Christian for many years and that has given me so much support and encouragement. (side note you can benefit from this book no matter what faith you are). But as sometimes happens, being a Christian for a long time, I had forgotten some basic truths. I allowed my day to day experience to skew my outlook on life and how my faith impacts my daily life. For me, reading "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" helped get me back to some of the basics of Christianity. I have read this book multiple times through the years. I use both, the physical, and Audible.Com versions. I try to read through this book every 1-2 years just to run a sort of quality assurance check on my life. Always good and always applicable! Be blessed!
This book is absolutely amazing! I have read it more times than i can count. I even keep it on my car so when i am having a rough day at work i go outside to take a break and randomly open it to a page and every time its wisdom pertains to the situation and helps finish my day on a better note.
There are 2 books that I consider to be the best ones ever written on the subject of worry and anxiety. The first is this one, and the other is "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living," by Dale Carnegie. They can be read together or each one can be read alone. I've reviewed Dale Carnegie's book elsewhere, so now for this book. It truly is amazing when words in a book can be life changing. That's exactly what this book is. There are people who say that the contents of this book are so obvious that the book deserves only 1 star. They are entirely missing the point. The fact that everything the author states is obvious, makes it even more effective at reaching those who feel that their life is being overrun by worry and anxiety. Richard Carlson wrote this book in a simplistic manner for a reason. The simplicity in which it's written serves as a catalyst to provide instant relief from the burdens of everyday life. His main premise is that there is virtually nothing that is so important that it's worth ruining your life over with worry. If you read the entire book, which you can easily do in a day or two; you'll quickly realize that there is nothing in this world that's so important as to cause you to have constant worry and anxiety over. Life is short and 99.9% of the things that we worry about and that cause us intense anxiety, never happen. The tiny percentage of things that do happen, always have a solution. This book is incredibly helpful at completely eliminating worry and anxiety. It worked for me and it can work for you. Personally; reading just this book by itself cured me, however; I decided that I wanted to read the book mentioned above by Dale Carnegie as a companion to this one. I have to say that the 2 books combined will provide you with a firewall against any worry and anxiety that you have, regardless of how long you've had it. As a side note, sadly, Richard Carlson died at a very young age from a pulmonary embolism during a flight from San Francisco to New York. Life truly is short, so there's no point in spending it with worry and anxiety.
This book was great. Fast and simple philosophies. Quick easy read without big words that make you feel like am idiot and have to Google the meaning of. Definitely helped me a lot and would recommend this read to anyone! This book really puts things into perspective and makes you realize your bad habits that make your life harder when you didn't even realize you were doing those things to begin with. The life tips it gives you are all totally doable in any kind of busy persons life. I found myself implementing these ideas one by one day by day and found that i was definitely starting to improve my life and reduce the unnecessary stress in my life on a daily basis. Great read!!
I absolutely love and cherish this book. This book has changed my life. By nature, I'm not an easy-going person. I'm very driven and ambitious and by nature, it's been a blessing and a curse as it's helped me in areas of my life but failed me in relationships and friendships. This book was a life-changer. Granted, I've read other books which talk about the same principles in this book, ie. The Bible, "How To Win Friends and Influence People". But this book is different. There are a few books which have dynamically changed my life. Namely, "Think and Grow Rich", "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" and I would list this book among them. It's the one book which contrasts with everything I've been programmed to know about life. Namely, this book teaches you to chill out. I find that after I've read this book, I am more understanding of things and I don't pout as much as I used to. I won't say that this book made me a better person but I can fairly say that this book opens your eyes and makes you realize when you are not being easy-going. This book does that. This book talks about basic things about handling stress and calming down but in a way which isn't preachy and in a way that's so simple to understand.The writing style and the way the chapters are laid out are done in a way where it's very easy to learn, very easy to absorb, very easy to practice...and most importantly...done in a way which permanently changes your outlook on life. I'm not saying this book will immediately make you easy-going and friendly but it helps by a large margin. I'd highly recommend this book.
But it's the little details that always kill you. So I don't know.
Ebook PDF Don't Sweat the Small Stuff And It All Small Stuff  Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life Richard Carlson 9780733800849 Books

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